Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So it has obviously been a while since I have updated our blog so here we go........ We have moved to an apartment in Alva due the house we were renting is being sold. We are now a closer family, sometimes to close. But hey, it is all good. We love it, Mia has a lot of friends that she plays with all of the time and Preslie has the run of the mill. They are both getting so big. Jeremy has one more semester left in college and he has is bachelors degree, wooooooo! I have been attempting to get my associates done----man I (LOVE) math. Hahahaha!!!! We are all ready for summer to be here. We are tired of the cold with no snow. At least with snow you think it should being cold.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kentucky Summer!

This is the amazing pool we got to live in for 4 months in Louisville, Ky. It was so pretty sometimes a bit cold but it felt good.......... Preslie celebrated her 1st birthday while we were there. She had so much fun. She loved to stick her fingers in the catepillar cake that Jeremy and I made for her. Jeremy's was a lot cutter than mine but thats okay she loved them.
This is the complex that were we lived. It was so pretty. We met some really nice people while we were there and we will miss them.
For Mothers's Day we went to the zoo. It was the most gorgeous zoo I have ever seen.

And of course while in Kentucky we had to go to the Derby. It was fun and we have never seen so many people in one place. We had so much fun but probably will not be back unless we get great seats.
All in all we had a lot of fun. We will miss it and we got some great memories while we were there. Happy Summer to all. We are back in Oklahoma, Yeah!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


For those of you who that say it never snows in Oklahoma........ Well is say Fooey on you here is our snow storm for the next 5 years . We got 18" of snow on March 27 and 28. It shut down the roads going into and out of Northwest Oklahoma for 2 days. Talk about not knowing which way is up. My dad got stuck in between our car and my moms. When he tried to get out the back of his pickup was trying to snow plow and he was not able to get out of the driveway. When we got him out of the driveway it took him over an hour to get down the street which is only about 1 block. So again I say fooey....... Only this time fooey on us, Mia said we brought the snow with us from Utah and I agree with her. It was 80 degrees yesterday the 4th of April so yes all the snow has melted. Anyway we are having fun here and we are getting ready to go to Kentcuky sometime this week as soon as we get our things ready to go. Wish us luck and we are think of you all.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

-Our Last Week in Utah-

Our last week in Utah was fun but sad we had to say good-bye to our friends. In this picture there is Mia, Taylor, Preslie & Hunter. We got to play with them on Thursday night before left and we had such a fun time and we will miss them bunches.

On March 15, we celebratedRebecca's birthday she turned 6. We went to Evanston for the weekend before left on Monday the 16th to move to Oklahoma. We had a blast and we also got to see Hallie and Hendrix.

Mia, Hallie, Preslie and Hendrix....... Laura and I got the biggest kick out of how much Preslie and Hendrix could pass as brother and sister more than Hallie and Hendrix could. Hendrix is such a big boy and Hallie is such a teny minnie mouse. They are such cute babies. All that was missing was Lisa, Cliff, Nyah, Saibra and Brett.

Mia had so much fun making club houses out of the boxes so one day i told her that i was going to box her and Preslie up and mail them to Papa and Grandma in Oklahoma. She laughed and said that I did not have a big enough box......... I found one and she ran from me. We had a good laugh.
And then we had to say good-bye to Bernie (the goldfish) and Sandy (the placlaustamus). Jeremy took them the pet store the morning before we left. When he got back he still had the fish, the pet store said they were both to big to take them in so we had to take them with us. When we got to Evanston we asked Grandma Julie to take them cause there was no way they would make it to 16 hours to Oklahoma. So being the sweetie that she is she kept them for us. They were such big fish and we miss them but at least we know they are alive and well with Grandma Julie. Thank you Grandma we love you lots!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

-Good-bye Mountains-

I think this will be one of worst things about leaving Utah is how beautiful the mountains are no matter what time of year it may be. In the summer they are so full of life, with the rivers running down them and all of the animals. In the fall the colors are amazing with the leaves changing. The winter, they look like big white clouds that touch the earth and then comes spring and the snow melts and the trees bloom and we start summer again. I think I will be lost without them witch is funny coming from someone who the that Quartz Mountain was a big mountain! For those of you who know what that is it is really funny! Anyway we have exactly one week left so we are getting excited and also so sad. We will miss our family here but we are ready to be in Oklahoma! We love you all!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just havin' fun!

Mia is getting ready for the move to Oklahoma.... She is becoming a cowgirl!
Oh yes, and for those of you who don't know yet we are moving to Oklahoma on March 16, 2009! Jeremy is going to coach finally and we get to be close to my family for a while. We are getting ready and we are so excited.
Preslie is loving havin' Daddy home and so is Mommy... I finally can leave the room without the screaming, yeah!

Mia and Mr. Rondald McDonald! Hehehe....

Payton Brown and Mia just chilling in a box! They had such a good time. We had not seen Payton in over a year! She has gotten so big and what a cutie!
Mia thought she could swim in the deep end without one of us or her lifejacket! She was proved wrong very quickly!

And Preslie just gave up.... She was so tired and the water just added to it so sleepy bye she went........
Mom why is she doing the same thing i am and why will she not give me a kiss......

She had her first piece of licorous....Yumm

And washed it down with DP! Oh man what a combination!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fun with Papa Mark and Lewis

These are Daddy's Girls! We have to start them early! lol
We drove up the Ogden Canyon and it was gorgeous! They absolutely came at the best time!
Dad got to teach me how to cook the best ham! Lewis made the potatoes, cornbread, and gravy and there is just nothin better than southern cookin!

We went bowling twice while they were here and I never knew my dad could bowl like that. Jeremy and Lewis had wagers going on McDonalds hamburgers! I think they came out even!

We went to Tepenyaki's Japanese Steak House and it was the best food ever! We had such a good time with them! We hated to see them leave. We have never ate so much food in so little time while they were here.